Electric Scooter Runs Slowly How to Fix and Troubleshooting

Easier, especially when transporting over a short distance. But it can be heartbreaking if you discover your electric scooter runs slowly. When you find your electric scooter runs

slowly, how to fix it will be your next cause of action.

As you should know, the repair shop could be far away in most cases. So, this is where knowledge of quick fixes comes in handy.

In this article, we explain why your electric scooter runs slowly and how to get your scooter running perfectly. So, read on.

Part 1. Why is Your Electric Scooter Running Slow?

There are a lot of reasons why an electric scooter runs slowly. These reasons range from a defective battery to a faulty controller or motor. Here are the major reasons why your

electric scooter could be running slow.

Low Battery

While automobiles that burn fossil fuel sputter to a stop when they run out of gas, battery-powered scooters slow down as battery charge drops. Here is why; the motor component

of an electric scooter only puts out full power when full voltage is available. In other words, suboptimal voltage equals low power for the motor, which equals suboptimal speed and


To prevent your electric scooter from running slow due to the battery, you should not take your scooter out when the battery level is below 20% or one bar. Also, avoid riding in

freezing temperatures or under direct sunshine, as these conditions would reduce battery life and life span. But if your electric scooter battery is not charging, you need to find the

reason at first.

Insufficient Tire Pressure

As tires lose pressure, they deform and rebound in contact with the road, making the electric scooter run slowly. Keep in mind this happens even when the tire is not completely flat.

Besides, all pneumatic tires lose a little air pressure every day. Hence, going for a long time without topping off air pressure within the tire would result in a slow scooter.

Using the Wrong Mode

Scooters come with different speed modes. The slowest mode is usually the eco or beginner mode. Some scooters label this mode “1″. Regardless of how much you throttle in this

mode, the scooter would run at 5-10 mph, depending on the model.

While riding, you can accidentally switch into this mode, especially when using a scooter with controls laid out closely.

Faulty Controller

A speed controller has all wires and fuses on the electric scooter connected to it. This controller manages an electric scooter’s acceleration and speed. Since this controller is

electrical, water coming in contact with it could cause its circuit to be short. With a short circuit, the controller becomes defective, causing the electric scooter to lose power and

acceleration. Besides, a loose connection or wire within the controller could cause it to malfunction, resulting in a slow speed.

Faulty Motor

Although uncommon, another factor that could cause your electric scooter to run slowly is a faulty motor. This issue particularly makes an electric scooter slow uphill. However,

before checking the motor, ensure your battery is optimal, and if the electric scooter motor is not running, you can contact an electric scooter technician.

Defective Throttle

The electric scooter throttle not working is one major reason it could run slowly. There is a magnet within an electric scooter’s throttle system. When this magnet dislodges from this

original position, the throttle could remain at slow speeds, slowing the electric scooter down considerably.

Brake or Wheel Drag

Try this; lift each scooter wheel off the ground and spin the tires. Does it spin freely? If not, then this might be the issue.

Electric scooters use mechanical disc brakes, and unlike their hydraulic counterparts, these disc brakes require adjustments from time to time. These adjustments ensure the pads

remain at the correct distance from the rotor.

Also, internal caliper springs get softer over time, and brake cables stretch. When these happen, it results in an unbalanced tension, causing one or more pads to drag on the rotor.

Part 2. How to Fix a Slow Electric Scooter?

Now, we know what could cause your electric scooter to slow down. So, how do you fix these challenges? Depending on your diagnosis, here are some electric scooter repair

hacks you could try.

1. Find The Cause of The Trouble

Before searching for solutions, you should examine your electric scooter. This would help you discover where the challenge originates from. Here are electric scooter

troubleshooting hacks you could use to locate the root cause of the problem.

Check By Sight, Touch, And Smell

This method involves opening the e-scooter deck. Once open, inspect the electrical components of the scooter, including wires and connectors. Check the conditions of the wires

and the battery since they are likely culprits of the slow speed.

Also, smell the battery and motor to check if any combustion occurred within them. A burnt smell tells you that a component within may be burnt, causing the malfunction. Ensure

you replace burnt batteries, motors, or wires as soon as possible to prevent further damaging your electric scooter.

Test The Charging Port

If the battery is fine, check if the charging port works optimally. One way is to try charging the scooter to see if the charging indicator light comes on. If it comes on, then the charger

and port are in optimal condition.

However, if your electric scooter does not have a charging indicator, you could use a digital multimeter to check, as it helps read voltages. Connect the multimeter to the charging

port. It should read the same voltage as the battery.

Test The Battery Voltage

Check the battery’s voltage using a multimeter. A working battery pack will always read a higher voltage than its rated one, irrespective of its level, whether charged, discharged, or

stored. So, when the battery voltage does not reach the rated one, it means the battery is faulty or worn out, requiring replacement.

Inspect The Motor

Check the motor for burnt or melted wires, parts, or connectors. Also, smell it to check if overheating occurred at some point. You should note that a burnt smell means there is a

high probability that the copper windings melted, resulting in short-circuiting. A short-circuited motor would run slowly or not at all. So, when you encounter this, you need to replace

your motor.

Inspect The Brakes

To inspect the brakes, place the scooter on a higher surface and try spinning the wheel. If there is resistance or friction during the spin, it means the brake pads might be touching

the rotor. So, to solve this challenge, all you need to do is adjust the brake pads.

Check The Tire Pressure

Try poking or kicking the tire lightly. Does it feel soft? If it does, it means your scooter’s tires lack air pressure. You can use a tire pressure gauge to determine optimal tire pressure.

If you find out it is not, check for holes that could be causing the deflation and fix them.

Check the throttle

The throttle is another component that could cause this malfunction. Connect the throttle to a multimeter to check its output and signal voltage. A working throttle should have

between 4.3 to 5 volts of output. If it does not, you might need an electric scooter throttle repair technician to help fix your throttle.

2. Full Charge The Battery

If you discover that the battery is low or holds less charge than its optimal capacity, it is best you deep-charge it. Deep charging batteries, especially the Lead-acid types, help the

cells regain their capacity by equalizing them. So, how do you deep-charge? Plug in your scooter for 48 to 72 hours and then test it.

Replace the Electric Scooter Motor

As stated earlier, if you discover that the motor and its components smell burnt, you should replace it. Replacing a damaged motor would help forestall further damage to parts

connected to it. However, you should note that replacing a motor could be dangerous, so you should leave it to a certified technician.

4. Use the Correct Tire Pressure

A high or low tire pressure affects the speed of an electric scooter. So if your tire pressure is not optimal, you should adjust it to the recommended pressure for your scooter. You

can use a pressure gauge to accurately read the tire pressure and adjust it as needed.

Final Thoughts

Electric scooters make commuting easier. They are comfortable, easy to maintain, fast, and eco-friendly. However, although easy to maintain, issues sometimes arise. One such

challenge is speed reduction.

There are many reasons why your electric scooter runs slowly, including battery status, riding mode, and even flat tires. We believe the information provided above has given great

insight into the reason causing the speed reduction and how you can fix them.

Post time: Dec-12-2023