Electric hoverboard

The wheels of the two-wheel electric hoverboard are arranged in a different way from the front and rear of the electric bicycle and motorcycle. Instead, they are fixed side by side, just like a two-wheel parallel robot. The two-wheel self-balancing control system is a kind of two-wheel parallel arrangement. Like the traditional inverted pendulum, it is a natural unstable body. It can only be stabilized by strengthening powerful control measures. Because the two-wheel hoverboard has the advantages of flexible movement, intelligent control, simple operation, energy saving, green environmental protection, and zero turning radius, it is suitable for running in a narrow space.

The working principle of the two-wheel electric hoverboard is very similar to the balance system of our human body. As for our human body, when the body’s center of gravity tilts forward, we need to move forward to ensure balance; When the center of gravity tilts back, we need to go back, which is the same.

When we ride a electric hoverboard, the two wheels of the electric hoverboard replace the feet. It is very similar to the balance system of the body. When our center of gravity tilts forward, the intelligent system will automatically sense and accurately drive the wheels forward to maintain balance; Similarly, when our body’s center of gravity tilts back, the wheel will move backward.



Post time: Mar-06-2023